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What Are The Different Underlayments for a Mobile Home Roof

Dec 13, 23 • Mobile Home

mobile home roof


As a mobile homeowner, ensuring your roof is well-protected is vital to avoid costly damages and repairs. One essential part of protecting your roof is the underlayment – a sheet material installed between your roof deck and the roofing material. This vital component serves multiple purposes, such as providing a secondary waterproofing barrier and improving overall roof durability. 

In this guide, we will explore four common types of roof underlayment available for mobile homes and their respective benefits. By understanding the advantages of each roofing option, you can make an informed decision on the best underlayment for your needs.

Metal Roofing Underlayment

Metal roofs have grown in popularity recently due to their premium performance, low maintenance requirements, and aesthetic appeal.

Benefits of Metal Roof Underlayment

  • Durability: Metal roofing systems are highly durable and long-lasting. They are capable of withstanding inclement weather conditions and resisting wear and tear. The underlayment adds another layer of protection, enhancing your roof’s overall strength and resilience.
  • Energy Efficiency: The reflective nature of metal roofing materials helps deflect heat away from your home, reducing the energy required to cool your living space. A high-quality underlayment further aids in insulation, potentially reducing energy costs.
  • Fire Resistance: Many metal roofing systems are classified as Class A fire-rated, meaning they are the most fire-resistant. The underlayment used with these systems can also be fire-resistant, further safeguarding your home from potential risks.

Felt Roofing Underlayment

Felt underlayment, often called tar paper or roofing felt, is a time-tested and widely-used roofing solution for mobile homes. Made from a combination of natural materials, such as cellulose fibers, felt roof underlayment is saturated with asphalt for added durability and moisture resistance.

Benefits of Felt Roof Underlayment

  • Affordable: Felt roofing underlayment is a cost-effective option for roofing materials, making it the right choice for homeowners mindful of their budget constraints. Despite its affordability, it doesn’t compromise on the essential function of safeguarding the roof.
  • Moisture Protection: Asphalt saturation in felt underlayment significantly improves its ability to act as a barrier against water infiltration. This extra layer of protection serves as a crucial defense mechanism, effectively preventing leaks and potential damage caused by moisture seepage.
  • Ease of Installation: Installing felt underlayment is straightforward and user-friendly, even for DIY enthusiasts. Its breathability allows moisture to evaporate, reducing the risk of mold or mildew growth.

Self-Adhering Membrane Underlayment

A self-adhering membrane, also known as a peel-and-stick underlayment, is an advanced roofing solution that directly adheres to the roof deck without needing fasteners. This type of underlayment is typically made from rubberized asphalt or modified bitumen, providing excellent waterproofing capabilities.

Benefits of Self-Adhering Membrane Underlayment

  • Superior Waterproofing: Self-adhering membranes are an effective defense mechanism against water penetration. They create an impenetrable barrier that tightly seals against any potential water infiltration. This exceptional sealing quality ensures your mobile home remains reliably dry and protected even during severe weather conditions.
  • High Wind Resistance: This underlayment has excellent adhesive properties, providing exceptional resistance against strong winds. This feature allows the underlayment to firmly adhere to the surface, preventing lifting or detachment even in high winds. As a result, it is an ideal choice for mobile homes in regions prone to hurricanes or other intense wind conditions.
  • Easy Installation: Installing this membrane underlayment is incredibly easy due to its self-adhering nature. You won’t need additional fasteners or adhesives, making the installation process quick and error-free. The simplicity in installation eliminates potential complexities, reduces the margin for errors, and speeds up the overall project timelines.

Synthetic Sheet Underlayment

Synthetic underlayment is a relatively new innovation in roofing systems. This lightweight and durable alternative to the felt variety offers several advantages to mobile homeowners.

Benefits of Synthetic Sheet Underlayment

  • Enhanced Durability: Synthetic underlayment is a durable roofing material with impressive resistance against various damaging factors. Its tear-resistant nature ensures it can withstand harsh conditions, maintaining its structural integrity over time. 
  • Slip-Resistant: Synthetic underlayment options often come with slip-resistant surfaces, which provide added safety for roofing professionals during installation. This feature not only ensures a secure working environment but also minimizes the risk of accidents or injuries while working at heights.
  • Lightweight: Synthetic underlayment is a better option than traditional felt materials due to its significantly lighter weight. This feature makes handling easier during transportation and installation.

Basic Components Is Here To Provide Quality Roofing Underlayments

Selecting the appropriate underlayment for your mobile home roof ensures its longevity and protection from the elements. Several options are available, each designed to meet specific needs and preferences.

At Basic Components, we offer a wide range of high-quality roofing underlayment materials to meet the requirements of every mobile homeowner. It’s best not to compromise on the protection and durability of your valuable investment. Place your order today, and our team will be happy to assist you in selecting the perfect underlayment for your mobile home roof.